Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area Recreation Site Road Repairs ($850,000)
Siuslaw National Forest, Oregon
The Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area has Forest Roads 1084 and 1062 that need repair. Flood waters damaged Road 1042 asphalt pavement, and it needs to be repaved. Road 1062 needs realignment of a section of the road that has resulted in safety issues and multiple closures in attempts to fix the road temporarily. Road repair would improve safety and access to high-use campgrounds, shorelines, fishing, off-highway vehicle staging areas, five-dunes/beach access trailheads, Lane County recreational fishing dock, and the Corps of Engineers jetty. Average daily traffic can reach 1000 vehicles per day during the summer.
Regional Trail Bridge Replacement and Deferred Maintenance (40 Bridges) ($945,000)
Pacific Northwest Region
This project replaces and repairs roughly 40 failing trail bridges across multiple units in the Pacific Northwest. This project also strategically addresses the bridges with high levels of visitor use within the Region to maximize positive impact on visitor experience and recreation access for both motorized and non-motorized users.