ARRA Members Continue to Take Action on RTP

Despite the closure of various recreational facilities and trails, ARRA members continue to engage their elected officials in support of recreational interests. Hundreds of you answered the call to request that your member of Congress co-sponsor H.R. 5797, the “Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Full Funding Act of 2020” and include the bill in any transportation reauthorization or infrastructure legislation being considered by Congress.

Moving forward, our advocacy efforts and your active participation with calls-to-action are critical to maintaining the momentum we have established. Without Congressional approval before September 30th, the program is at risk of going dormant, creating a huge void for recreational trail development and maintenance funding.

We will continue our advocacy outreach to various germane congressional committees as well as to members of various House caucuses to generate additional support.  Visit our website to see which trails have been funded in your state and to take our ARRA quiz.

Get the Latest Industry Developments and the Impact COVID-19 Has on the Powersports Industry

Get the latest updates on COVID-19 and the impact it has on the powersports industry by clicking here. The MIC website provides a great deal of current information including daily updates on states with closed state riding facilities, stimulus legislation, business to business (B2B) resources, small business assistance, reopening guidelines for states, and latest industry news.

Congress Passes Fourth Coronavirus Stimulus Bill

On April 24, President Trump signed a $484 billion stimulus package into law. The latest package is aimed at boosting the nation’s small business sector that has been decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides approximately $320 billion in additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), including $60 billion for community banks and smaller lenders. With this new round of funding, more than $670 billion will have been injected into the U.S. economy to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill also appropriates $60 billion more for the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Disaster Loan Program.

The PPP was created as part of the more than $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which converts the small business loans to grants and would be fully forgiven if you meet conditions set forth in the loan, including using 75 percent of the loan to keep employees on the payroll. This latest stimulus package is the fourth such package to move through Congress.

As recreation areas open back up across the country, we hope you are able to get some time in riding with family and friends after the long stay-at-home period. Send us some pictures of you hitting the trails again. If you’re wearing proper safety gear, we’ll try to feature you in one of our upcoming newsletters. Send your pictures and a blurb about who is riding where to our ARRA email at: