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However, we would like to keep you apprised of how ARRA has been involved on this issue by providing the text of the original action alert that was sent to our members. If you have not already done so, please sign up to receive any updates on this issue that may occur as well as other important action alerts.
Original Action Alert:
Senators Dean Heller (R-NV) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) have introduced bipartisan companion legislation to H.R. 999 that would require the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study about the appropriateness of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) moving forward with its mandatory product standards for recreational off-highway vehicles (side-by-sides). Specifically, this study would determine the technical validity of CPSC’s proposed lateral stability and vehicle handling requirements; the number of ROV rollovers that would be prevented if the rule were adopted; whether there is a technical basis for the proposal to provide information on a vehicle’s rollover resistance on a progressive scale; and the effects on the utility of ROVs used by the U.S. military if the rule were adopted.
Send an email urging your Senators to cosponsor this common-sense legislation which will simply ensure that there is an adequate study of the impacts of CPSC’s proposed rule before it is too late.
Your efforts have paid off in the House as H.R. 999 is closing in on 50 cosponsors your action today can get help get the ball rolling in the Senate!