How to Comment to Federal Agencies
ARRA provides simple guidelines for submitting comments to the Federal agencies. Changes in technology make these “How to” guidelines critical.

President Trump Nullifies BLM Updated Planning Rule (2.0)

President Trump took the final step in nullifying the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) updated planning rule (2.0) when he signed H.J.Res.44 on March 27, 2017.  This planning rule was finalized in the closing days of the Obama Administration and caused quite a stir among many western states.  So much so that six western states filed suit against the rule because they felt it would “severely impair their ability to work with BLM on future planning and management issues.”

USFS Issues Final Rule Governing the Use of Snowmobiles
The Forest Service (USFS) manages winter uses and provides a range of opportunities for motorized and non-motorized recreation. In 2005, USFS regulated winter motorized use as a discretionary activity under its regulations for Use by Over-Snow Vehicles. Consistent with a court order dated March 29, 2013, USFS amends it’s travel management rule to require designation of roads, trails, and areas on NFS lands to provide for over-snow vehicle use. An over-snow vehicle is defined as “a motor vehicle that is designed for use over snow and that runs on a track and/or a ski or skis, while in use over snow.” The Responsible Official for each Forest will establish a system of routes and areas to provide for over-snow vehicle use. The regulations will continue to exempt over-snow vehicle use from the travel management rule, which provides for designation of a system of routes and areas for other types of motor vehicle use.

Forest Service Planning Rule Proposed Directives are Released
After months of delay, the Forest Service has released for public comment its proposed directives governing the implementation of the 2012 Planning Rule.

BLM and USFS Launches National Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Strategy
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the US Forest Service (USFS) are implementing a national strategy to aid in the conservation of the greater sage-grouse and to provide that conservation measures are included in each respective Resource Management Plan (RMP) (or Land MP in certain USFS instances) across the western United States.

Final U.S. Forest Service Planning Rule
Click the above link for complete information on how the Final U.S. Forest Service Planning Rule could jeopardize access.

U.S. Forest Service Travel Management Rule (OHV Route Designation Rule)
Click the above link for complete information on the Rule and the Route Designation Process.