Forest Service Calls For Public to Identify Trails That Should Receive Expedited Maintenance

Separate Press Releases From Five Forest Regions Call For Input

Individualized Press Releases from five Forest Service Regions are “…inviting the public to help identify trails that will be part of a U.S. Forest Service effort with partners and volunteers to increase the pace of trail maintenance.”  The releases continue, “Nationwide, the Forest Service will select nine to 15 priority areas among its nine regions where a backlog in trail maintenance contributed to reduced access, potential harm to natural resources or trail users and/or has the potential for increased future deferred maintenance costs.”

If you are aware of trails where access has been limited as the result of lack of maintenance – now is your chance to weigh in!

Below are links to all of the USFS Region websites.  While the Alaska, Eastern, Southern and Southwestern regions have yet to post information on this initiative on their websites, ARRA encourages those of you who live or recreate in those Regions to check the websites periodically for updates.

If you are unsure which Region the Forest(s) you visit are in, click here:

Click the appropriate link below to find out how to comment!

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