(Photo credit: American Trails)
The 2021 RTP Achievement Awards Nominations Are Open
The Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT), representing the nation’s top trail-related organizations, announced plans for the 2021 Tom Petri Annual Achievement Awards recognizing outstanding trail projects funded by the Recreational Trails Program (RTP). The RTP has dramatically enhanced the quantity and quality of trails available to the public since 1991, having financed more than 30,000 projects and programs across the country. The RTP is administered jointly by the Federal Highway Administration and state trails programs.
CRT encourages you to nominate an outstanding project and to encourage the sponsor(s) of an excellent project in your state to submit a nomination as well. To build awareness of excellent RTP-funded projects and the RTP program itself, CRT also encourages those making nominations to solicit support from members of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate where the project is located. Click here to access the nomination form and click here to see previous award winners in the various categories.
Award winners will be selected from projects nominated by public agencies, trail administrators, or other project sponsors. In order to qualify for an award, the project must have been completed between 2012 and 2021. Project award categories include: construction and design; maintenance and rehabilitation; public-private partnerships and access to public lands; community linkage; education and communication; accessibility enhancement; multiple-use management and “corridor sharing”; use of youth conservation/service corps and community outreach; engaging public-sector partners; and enhancement of federal lands. In addition, the CRT plans to recognize the nation’s top state trails program and top state trails advisory board.
The award recipients will be notified by July 31, 2021 and will be formally recognized at a Washington, D.C. ceremony in September 2021. Despite a successful virtual awards program in 2020, the CRT hopes to return to an in-person format in the future but is now anticipating a hybrid event for 2021, offering both in-person and virtual options.
The online nomination form, including any supporting materials and pictures, should be completed by
5 p.m. ET, June 30, 2021. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Coalition’s Awards Committee Chairman, Duane Taylor, Executive Director, National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council, at coalitionforrectrails@gmail.com.
For more information on CRT, visit www.rectrails.org.
National Forest System Trail Stewardship Partner Funding Selects Projects
Projects for the 2021 field season were selected for the National Forest System Trail Stewardship Partner Funding sponsored by the Forest Service, in collaboration with the National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance, American Trails, American Hiking Society, Back Country Horsemen of America, International Mountain Bicycling Association, American Motorcyclists Association, and the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council.
A total of 48 projects from eight forest regions were selected from the 92 proposals received. More than $1,000,000 in funding requests were made while $547,689 were funded. The work for the selected projects is to be completed between May and December 2021.
The Trail Stewardship Partner Funding Program awards funds to trails and stewardship organizations to increase trail maintenance accomplishments and reduce deferred maintenance (trail backlog) on National Forest System trails. Funding is available for all terra trails (summer use trails) for motorized and non-motorized uses.
Trail Funding Program Basics:
- Any non-profit group recognized by the IRS may apply for Trail Stewardship Funding.
- Grants are for work on all National Forest System terra trails. Work can be performed on motorized or non-motorized trails, both inside and outside of the wilderness.
- Must perform trail work during the Summer/Fall Field Season (May – December). In some rare exceptions, work can be extended through spring 2022.
- Grants range from $2,000 – $20,000.
- Require either non-federal cash or in-kind match of at least 1:1
“Investing in the Trail Stewardship Partner Funding program has proved to be an excellent way to meet the goals of the National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act and the National Strategy for a Sustainable Trail System—to increase the collective capacity to maintain trails and increase the number of sustainable trails,” said Brenda Yankoviak, USDA Forest Service National Trail Program Manager.
Click here for additional information on the Trail Partner Funding.
Alaska Publishes Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation has published the 2016-2021 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). The SCORP is updated periodically to maintain statewide eligibility for grant assistance through the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The SCORP has the potential to guide outdoor recreation development decisions in the state for the next five years.
The SCORP evaluates the demand and supply of public outdoor recreation resources throughout Alaska, identifies capital investment priorities for acquiring, developing, and protecting all types of outdoor recreation resources, assures continuing opportunity for local government and private citizens to take part in planning for statewide outdoor recreation, and coordinates all outdoor recreation programs throughout the state.
Click here for additional information on Alaska’s SCORP. You can access the digital library of state SCORPs for all 50 states here.
Recent BLM Activity
- Pine Lake, Arizona – Flag fire in the Hualapai Mountains has been contained at 62% and homeowners in the Pine Lake community were allowed to return to their residences.
- Redding, California – Campgrounds along the Trinity River opened on Wednesday, May 26, for the Memorial Day weekend and traditional start of the summer recreation season.
- Rock Springs, Wyoming – The BLM Rock Springs Field Office is temporarily closing the Steamboat Mountain area northeast of Rock Springs, Wyoming to motorized vehicles. The closure lasts from May 10 to July 1 to protect sensitive elk calving and deer fawning areas, as indicated in the Green River Resource Management Plan.
- Portland, Oregon – Effective May 12, the BLM is prohibiting the use of fireworks, exploding targets or metallic targets for target shooting, sky lanterns, and firing tracer or incendiary devices on all BLM-managed public lands throughout Oregon and Washington. Additionally, the Northwest Oregon District is announcing a year-round fire order to decrease human-caused wildfires as well.
- Winnemucca, Nevada – The Humboldt River Field Office initiated a 30-day public comment period on the draft Environmental Analysis for the Winnemucca Sand Dunes (WSD). This project is being developed through a partnership with Northern Nevada ATV. The WSD is a popular area for mechanized recreation nine miles north of Winnemucca on Hwy 95.
- Coeur D’Alene, Idaho – BLM’s popular Blackwell Island boat launch and recreation area opened for the summer season on Thursday, May 27. With four ADA accessible launch lanes and 134 trailer parking spaces, Blackwell Island offers convenient access to the Spokane River and Lake Coeur d’Alene. The recreation site is open daily from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m., and also offers picnicking, a native plant garden and wildlife viewing along the boardwalk nature trail. Visitors to Blackwell Island can purchase a day use pass for $6 or a season pass voucher for $40 at one of the credit card machines located near the parking areas.
- Moab, Utah – The BLM has finalized the Canyon Rims Travel Management Area Environmental Assessment, which will provide for motorized recreation opportunities in the Canyon Rims area while protecting important resources. The Canyon Rims Travel Management area covers approximately 90,954 acres of BLM managed lands in northern San Juan County, Utah encompassing two distinct areas: the western portion of the Canyon Rims Special Recreation Management Area and the Shafer Basin area south of Dead Horse Point State Park.