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However, we would like to keep you apprised of how ARRA has been involved on this issue by providing the text of the original action alert that was sent to our members. If you have not already done so, please join ARRA to receive any updates on this issue that may occur as well as other important action alerts.
Original Action Alert:
July 24, 2013 – As the Senate continues debate on transportation authorization legislation Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has introduced an amendment that would strip the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) of its funding! Senator Rand is targeting a section of statute enacted last year titled Transportation Alternatives, which includes, among other programs, the RTP. He calls for all funds under the section to be used for bridge repair. While we understand the importance of safe and reliable bridges, it is important to note that RTP funds are generated from a portion of the fuel taxes collected at the pump when OHV enthusiasts fill up their dirt bikes, ATVs, ROVs, snowmobiles, 4X4’s or other OHVs. Please click the Send Message button below to send an email to your Senators urging them to support the RTP, and its unique funding source, by opposing Rand’s amendment (Amendment No. 1742).
The Recreational Trails Program (RTP), arguably the most important government program ever created to benefit motorized recreation (as well as non-motorized recreation), faces yet another hurdle! As you know the RTP funds the development and maintenance of thousands of miles of motorized and non-motorized trails, but without your action funding for the RTP may be eliminated.
Please click the Send Message button below to send an email to your Senators encouraging them to act!