Along with thousands of Americans who want to preserve recreational access and promote responsible recreation on our public lands, the following organizations support ARRA:
The American Council of Snowmobile Associations is a non-profit national association dedicated to providing leadership and advancing the efforts of all snowmobile-affiliated organizations to promote the expansion and education of responsible snowmobiling in the United States. ACSA acts as national coordinator and spokesperson for state volunteer snowmobile associations and snowmobile clubs.
The American Horse Council includes about 200 equine organizations representing several hundred thousand horse owners and breeders. The American Horse Council (AHC) represents all breeds and disciplines. AHC member organizations and their members are involved in every facet of the horse industry, including trail riding and recreational riding, racing, showing, breeding and rodeo.
The American Sand Association is the lead organization fighting to keep the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area (ISDRA) open to OHV use, the ASA’s primary objective is to “UNITE, INFORM and MOBILIZE” the sand duning community to protect the right to ride on all public lands in a responsible, environmentally balanced manner.
The American Watercraft Association represents the over one million personal watercraft owners in the USA. The AWA lobbies for reasonable regulations on personal watercraft and stresses safe, responsible boating.
The Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs represent and serve snowmobilers in the state of Wisconsin. Founded in 1969, AWSC is a non-profit organization of local snowmobile clubs throughout the state of Wisconsin.
The California Off Road Vehicle Association is a varied group of outdoor recreationists who are extremely active in promoting the positive aspects of vehicular access on public lands and protecting that right. CORVA’s main purpose is to work with the land managers for responsible off-highway vehicular access and recreation opportunities. Secondarily, CORVA educates its membership on the constantly changing rules and regulations and promote clean-up and trail maintenance projects. CORVA is dedicated to protecting our lands for the people, not from the people.
The Hells Canyon Alliance The Alliance’s primary focus is the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area. However, its members have an interest in the management of all northwestern rivers used by the public for boating. The Alliance provides a common voice for those who support responsible shared use of rivers. Its membership includes a wide variety of citizens, businesses and organizations from Washington, Oregon and Idaho. The Alliance’s founders and those on our current roster include both motorized and non-motorized users.
The Motorcycle Industry Council is a national non-profit trade association representing over 300 manufacturers and distributors of motorcycles, scooters, parts and accessories, and members of allied trades. MIC’s promotional activities include environmental preservation, dealer and consumer awareness programs directed at the reduction of motorcycle sound emissions, and the encouragement of safe and courteous operation of all vehicles.
The National Marine Manufacturers Association is a national trade association with about 1,500 member companies that manufacture more than 80 percent of the recreational boats, marine engines, and accessory products in the U.S. for more than 78 million recreational boaters. Its members are located in virtually every state, with businesses ranging from sole proprietorships to Fortune 500 corporations.
The National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) is a national network of volunteers dedicated to “creating a positive future for off-highway vehicle recreation.” NOHVCC makes available a wide spectrum of programs, materials, and information, or “tools,” provided to individuals, clubs, associations, and agencies. The “tools” provided by NOHVCC are applicable to motorized and non-motorized trail enthusiasts alike!
The New Hampshire Personal Watercraft Association is a non-profit association whose goal is to promote the safe and responsible use of personal watercraft on New Hampshire’s waterways.
The Personal Watercraft Industry Association was formed in 1987 as an affiliate of the National Marine Manufacturers Association. It was created to bring together companies that manufacture or distribute personal watercraft (PWC) in order to promote safe and responsible operation of personal watercraft; and work with federal, state and local agencies that have regulatory responsibilities for recreational boating.
The Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association (ROHVA) is a not-for-profit trade association formed to promote the safe and responsible use of recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs) manufactured or distributed in North America. ROHVA also serves as the primary resource for information on ROVs. An ROV – sometimes referred to as a side-by-side or UTV – is a motorized off-highway vehicle designed to travel on four or more non-highway tires, with a steering wheel, non-straddle seating, seat belts, an occupant protective structure, and engine displacement up to 1,000cc. Current models are designed with seats for a driver and one or more passengers.
The Specialty Vehicle Institute of America is a national not-for-profit trade association incorporated in 1983. SVIA’s purpose is to promote the safe and responsible use of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). In 1988, SVIA formed the ATV Safety Institute to implement an expanded national program of ATV safety education and awareness.
Tread Lightly! is a national nonprofit organization with a mission to proactively protect recreation access and opportunities through ethics education and stewardship initiatives. Tread Lightly!’s educational message, along with its training and restoration initiatives are strategically designed to instill an ethic of responsibility in a wide variety of outdoor enthusiasts and the industries that serve them. The program goal is to balance the needs of the people who enjoy outdoor recreation with our need to maintain a healthy environment. Tread Lightly! offers unique programs and services to help remedy current and future recreation issues. The federal government recognizes Tread Lightly! as a sole-source service provider of education and training on how to be environmentally and socially responsible while using motorized vehicles in the great outdoors.
United Four Wheel Drive Associations is the world’s leading representative of all-brand four wheel-drive enthusiasts. UFWDA benefits, developed and tested true over the past 30 years, include four wheel drive safety and awareness education; user ethics programs such as adopt-a-road, conservation volunteer, and volunteer trail patrol; assistance with new club formation; education seminars to aid four wheelers through complex state and federal programs affecting trail access; internet forums designed to connect members globally and instantaneously; and unrestrained member access to its full-time legislative advocate and nationally-recognized attorney working exclusively for four wheel drive enthusiasts to protect access and prevent road and trail closures.